FUMUN Takes Number One; The Delegates Talk

Photo via Fordham MUN


Fordham University at Rose Hill’s (RH) Model United Nations team skyrockets to number one in North America following their attendance at the CMUNNY (Columbia University) Conference. Fordham’s trailblazing lead has left a profound impression on delegates all across the circuit, reinforcing Fordham’s name in the collegiate world. Following fifteen years on the circuit, Fordham RH’s Model UN has now moved to rank from the lower 75th to break into the top 25 list of highest-scoring delegations. Vice President Connor Larson, class of ‘25, explains the rise to the top, saying, “We foster an inclusive environment that made doing Model UN fun. We’ve already surpassed our total points for Fall of 2023, and we’re only forty percent of the way done.” Last year, the team ended at 16th place in North America. Director of Crisis Sarah Hurd, ‘25, continues to explain their rise, noting the importance of “Telling our teammates that they can win. Once we started telling our delegates that they are talented, smart, and capable, that is when we started winning.”

Serving as a simulation of the UN, students in Model UN role-play as random characters in niche topics or as ambassadors from different nations. In General Assembly committees, delegates discuss and debate international issues such as security and human rights. Crisis committees act out fast-paced, high-stakes scenarios that call for quick decision-making. Lillian Hunter, ‘27, recalls her wackiest arc in a Crisis committee. She explains, “I was the owner of a car company and had an affair with Steve Jobs. During our honeymoon in a rainforest, I murdered him and then impersonated him. I put on a bald cap for the rest of committee!”


Since delegates must represent roles with different perspectives, students learn to advocate for ideas other than their own, allowing them to develop strong skills in debate. Students get a better understanding of current events, as well as skills in teamwork, public speaking, and diplomacy. Director of General Assembly Luke Hyland, ‘26, believes that “When I’m transferring [these skills] to class as well, it makes me a lot more confident. A lot of it is about being comfortable and willing to embarrass yourself!” 

Model UN enables delegates to think creatively and make decisions under pressure, equipping them for positions of power in a world that is changing rapidly. Courtney Daniels, ‘27, notes her involvement in the New York State’s Governer’s Youth Council, in which she wrote a bill following a format similar to that of Model UN resolutions. This bill is now on the floor of the New York State Senate. At Boston University’s BARMUN conference, Shane Maher, ‘27, gaveled, or won best delegate, for the first time. He recounts his experience, noting that, “I think back to last year at Georgetown and I had no idea what I was doing. It’s made me think about all the people I’ve learned from to get to this point.”

Attending conferences in various cities—or even countries—is one of the most noteworthy parts of the Model UN experience. Ali Saab, ‘26, touches on his experience traveling to compete in Boston: “On the day we got on the bus, there were lots of people who hadn’t met each other. Over our time in Boston, everybody became much closer. If you know that you have a team that supports you one hundred percent, you’re more comfortable going into committee.” 

Delegates also have the opportunity to experience new regions, discover diverse backgrounds, and establish bonds with their peers. Sydney Lehman, ‘27, describes her favorite place she’s traveled to with Fordham Model UN, saying, “I went to Santa Barbara, and it was the first time I’d ever been on the West Coast. I’m excited to go back to California for the third time this year.” Traveling brings a special kind of companionship to events, whether it’s through sightseeing in a historic city, dining locally, or lodging in busy conference hotels.

This year, the goal has been to break into the top 10. President Lucas Hjertberg, ‘26, says, “Whether you’re a first-time delegate or it’s your fourth year of experience, we include everyone’s opinions.” This lead serves as an inspiration for all Fordham students, reminding them that they can also achieve great things. Kara Best, ‘28, shares her journey to picking Fordham, stating, “​​I did Model UN in high school. Seeing the success of Fordham’s team and the opportunities they got to travel was a large part of my commitment to Fordham.” The accomplishments of Fordham RH Model UN set the tone for students to feel empowered to challenge themselves in competition with other universities. For those interested in trying out for the team or learning more, be sure to follow Fordham RH Model UN on Instagram or visit their website for regular updates on past and future conferences.

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